Normally in this situation I would use a concrete chisel and break the stone to smaller bits but this time I borrowed the mini jack hammer to do the job.
It did not help.
Nope it did not help, it just made hole in the stone without breaking it. Sigh..... After some hammering and working around the obstacle, I managed to remove it in halves. I have to dig deeper than usual because planting in this stony conditions is just like planting in a pot even though it is in the ground.
Final result
I wanted to go in 2 feet but I only managed 14~15 inches I think. I intent to fill it with 30% compost and 70% topsoil which I hope to get from somewhere.
Right now I am not able to do anything in the mini-farm because it had been taken over by the building contractor.
Iron rods on the ground
Building material everywhere!!!
I have to stop all my activities in the mini farm except for watering the plants. It is really dangerous to walk around the mini-farm now with all those building materials all over the place and the danger of being poked by nails. The mess is getting worst as the construction proceed. My poor plants having to endure this situation and to make situation worst it had not rained for more than 6 weeks or so.
Yes, the Mini-Farm is hijacked.