Precious Tomato
Plant number 1 was having the problem and the growth had slowed down considerably. It was the first plant that was transplanted and the largest among the three.
yellowing leaves
Yesterday morning some black spots start to show at the yellowing part of the leaves and bacteria infection comes to my mind immediately.
Black spots
Without thinking further, I grabbed a pair of shears and started cutting all the affected leaves away. After doing that I only realized was that the right thing to do and is there any other options or my diagnosis is wrong. To investigate this further I posted the problem in the forum. Well after reading the responses I think I did the right thing. If the plant does not recover then the possibility of beetle grub is very high. Anyway if the plant do not recover in two weeks I'll dig it up and look for those grubs.
condition of plants
This is the condition of my 3 Heroes as of September 18th.
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