"IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT" Yes indeed that is exactly how Snoopy would describe the scenario last night. Then there was a blinding bright flash of light which lit up the dark stormy night followed by an ear piercing cackle KA-BOOOM. Yes it was really an ear piercing and deafening thunder that rocked the bed I was sleeping on. Oh @%&#, the fan stopped, guess the ELCB must have tripped.
While all these were going on, all I can think of are the plants that I have planted especially the Pandan that I have to amputate. The Basil that I just planted the day before is so tender and fragile ............. can they survive this rage of nature ????
It was indeed a joyful sight to see the Basil still standing up when I stepped into the front yard first thing this morning. Yes indeed it is a wonderful sight and upon checking the Pandan, two new shoots were seen sprouting just below the area where it was amputated :) It's growing !!! It's great!!! I can feel the joy inside me knowing that the plants are OK and growing. Yes it is a wonderful morning and I am sure I can hear Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World" in the background ...... Alright!!!!! I do have GREEN FINGERS !!! Yahoo!! :)
Play the video below it's wonderful ...............................
Haha!!!! i have natural compose fingers!!! better than all of u all!! only thing that mummu don't appreciate my natural compose being shared among the family...
lovely! music and plants! see, told you you have green fingers!
Haha!!!! i have natural compose fingers!!! better than all of u all!! only thing that mummu don't appreciate my natural compose being shared among the family...
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