Thursday, June 2, 2011

Project Aquaponics - A summary.

Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. I was introduced to this process of farming by a member of Garden Stew, the gardening forum that I participated in. My intention was to plant cool weather veggies like lettuce, romaines, spinach, leeks and so on. Incidentally I found out that leeks cannot be planted this way and growing leeks is really different. Anyway I wanted to start a hydroponic system organically and I never knew aquaponics existed.

My princess did planted some veggies using the traditional hydroponics method when she was still in school. The system came in a set complete with all the chemical for the nutrients and veggies seeds. I was impressed with the way the veggies grew and from this memory I decided maybe I can grow cool weather veggies this way. So after lots of googling and asking around in Garden Stew, I was introduced to aquaponics. More googling and concluded the only way I can do this organically is by aquaponics. There are web sites that claim that their chemical nutrients for the hydroponics is organic but I wanted something that I can have easy access to locally at minimum cost.

There are many methods to set up an aquaponics system and after considering the basics of space and hardware, I decided on the ebb and flow method. For a detail account of my set up please check out my blog on my aquaponics in Garden Stew.

Anyway I had my first harvest just a couple of days ago which is "nai bai" and had it for lunch today. It tasted just as good as those planted on the ground and it is finer. As for the planting of cool weather, I guess it is out of the question now. I planted a whole bed with lettuce and it is not doing well. Most of the leaves were scorched by the super hot sun and they are bolting. So instead of getting nice bunch of leafy lettuce, I am getting long skinny ones. Looks like planting cool climate veggies here would remain a fantasy for me.

Hey!! I hope I have encountered the BLANK!!


Arthoz said...

Hi there...nice project you got there...actually I'm a lurker and have for years conducted studies on aquaponics...Malaysian aquaponics enthusiasts are still "young" and while they are very creative they lack the technical knowledge. I like the way you work where you try to use the cheapest or free material/solution available. Researchers at Malaysian universities are so flamboyant they use high grade expensive stuff that it's not practical for common or commercial practice. I have over the years watched your progress but recent views I found out that you were disappointed with your corns...Aquaponics is useless without basic knowledge of farming. I decide to share some knowledge with you...I am not going to explain it directly because people that I've spoon fed knowledge never respects said you use a variety type of seed, I'm guessing you bought them from a shop maybe? Do not be is the answer to your disappointment:

KK said...

Thanks for your encouragement.