Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Up

Yes I have finally put up the trellis. It still look flimsy even though I made another hoping that they can lean on each other to be more stable. My mum's first comment is "Mana u kau lat!!" in Hokkien ........ in English "It's not strong!!" Errrrr ............ me no comment just keeping my fingers crossed.

From logical point of view I don't think it is big enough or strong enough ...... I have four plants there and they are Goa Beans, French Beans, Petola and Cucumber. Just naming the veggies made it sounds like there is not enough space on the trellis............. should I start looking for stronger and longer poles?????

The pedometer, ah yes!! I opened it up and fiddle fut with the switch like thingy inside and it is now working not perfectly but more reasonably.

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