Monday, November 3, 2008


At one time I forced myself to walk about six kilometers a day to control my cholesterol and it did helped. I stopped ...... why??? I do not know!!!! The farming did help a little in arresting the increasing level of the total cholesterol ......... as a matter of fact it did reduced the level.

Recently I bought a pedometer from Tesco and wanted to start walking again to get into shape ......... hehe!!! For two weeks I had been monitoring the number of steps I walked per day and today is the day that I am supposed to start increasing the number of steps by twenty percent until I can average ten thousand steps per day.

Aacchooo!!!! I am down with a cold, sore throat and flu and I only managed three thousand steps today ........... arrgh!!!! Guess just have to work harder on the remaining six days huh!!!

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