Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Morning Walk

This morning I restarted my morning walking session after a break of almost or is it more than a year!?!? It took me almost a month to do it ........ I suppose I have to force myself to do it to assist in lowering my current enemy number one cholesterol ...... hehe!!!

The night before I chartered a course around my neighbourhood with Google Earth for a distance of about four kilometers. This route that I planned out have many turning back point just in case I could not complete the whole course...... hehe!!!

I really enjoyed the walk and completed the whole course with no thoughts of taking a short cut at all. I really feel good after the walk instead of feeling worn!!! it's refreshing.

The pedometer is a disappointment, at the end of my walk the pedometer only showed 2,289 steps. Let's do some maths ........ OK according to Google Earth the distance is about 3,854 meters and if my step length is about 50cm then I would have walked at least 7,708 steps ........... I guess the pedometer is just a gadget to add some fun to the walking ............ what am I talking about ......... grrrr!!!! Anyway I got myself walking again.

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