Sunday, June 7, 2009


After many failed attempt at restarting my morning walk to keep fit after recovering from sciatica, I decided to do some swimming. I had been considering and reconsidering lots and lots of time trying to find a reason why should I not go swimming until one day last week my Home Minister and Princess came back from Jusco sales with a brand new pair of swimming trunks. Yes they had committed me and I guess there is no way out.

The pool in the golf club that I am a member of is only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the mornings of weekdays. I decided on going there in the morning so that I can attend to my mini farm in the evening so that it is not hot. Moreover in the morning there will be less or no people in the pool and with this current heat wave it would be nice to soak in the pool. Suddenly it sounds so nice soaking in the cool pool with a glass of cold lemonade.....hehe!!!

Last Tuesday was the day and Princess came along too. All my three kids are really good at swimming because they had swimming lessons even before starting kindergarten. Swimming is a good skill to learn becuase we never know when it will come in handy. I learned how to swim by myself after watching and being influenced by Tarzan in my younger days. My early day experience of swimming was in padi fields and mud ponds with the buffaloes just like Tarzan huh!! It was really great fun then. OoEeOoEeo..orrr....

To my surprise when I first step into the pool was that the water was not cool at all but kind of a warm. In the begining I was like a chicken in water, I really struggled to keep a float but after a while I was again swimming like Tarzan but with no stamina. After every lap I had to rest for awhile before I go on to do the next lap. Totally I did ten laps and I was quite exhausted ....... err breath-wise not lenght-wise ....hehe!!

OK cholesterol watch out, I want to do this like three times a week and it is going to be lenght-wise lap soon.......

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