As I have mentioned before exercise I can do but strict diet??? ........... being a food person I guess strict diet is out of the question for me. Exercise ....... well I hate jogging and going for walks alone is real borrring. Cycling aimlessly is almost like jogging, just an unproductive way of using energy. Anyway I was inspired to start a mini farm while doing some work in my front yard.
Farming need a lot of physical work and since I have an excess of cholesterol I guess it is a good and productive way of making use of it hehe!!! I have to eat lots of vegetables too which is one of my favourite kind of food ............ good combi eh!!
Yesterday was my cholesterol routine check up day and my results showed a mark improvement. I guess the mini organic farm project really paid off even though there is no real plant yet .......... the seeds did not germinate. Anyway to me it is already a success ;)
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