Saturday, January 8, 2011

Aquaponics - A Step Forward

A walk around the house and applying what I know about gardening, I had decided the best location for the project. The location would be on the north east portion of my home and if it is not conducive I would have it moved to another location. I decided on this area because it would not be too hot on a real hot day and since I want to plant veggies like lettuce, romaines, leeks, strawberries ........... I guess the morning sun and the not too hot environment is preferred. 

The fish tank would be located where those old cooking pots are, I am using them to store earth and compost for potting. There is hardly any sunshine here so I do not have to deal with unwanted algae growth and I guess the fish will be more comfortable in cool environment.

The grow beds will be located under the windows where they will get the maximun amount of morning to noon sunshine. The plants that I have there now are scallion, sage, "sleeping" bay leaf and rosemary.

The set up have to be able to be moved if need be because the location might not be suitable and since this is my first time, I guess I had to go on with a comfortable size that I can handle. If all goes well, then there can always be the expansion program

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