Saturday, October 4, 2008


BBQ is a great way to eat, not the commercial kind but our own kind is always the best. My Princess is home from her first semester break of her final year in uni. Being a food lover like me she proposed to have a BBQ and we had it last Monday. The best way to really enjoy a BBQ is to make it private so our only "guest" were my mum and mum-in-law.

Making it private is the best because we do not need to worry about the guest and usually the host will end up not eating. Commercial BBQ is boring, no choice just eat what is available, sometimes have to fight for the food too!! Private .........ahhh!!! Yes is the best kind, we can decide how to eat, what to eat, how well to cook, eat and cook ...... play with fire ........... many many things to enjoy!!!

We had lamb, seasoned with organic rosemary from our very own herb garden. Other ingredients errr.......have to ask my wife she seasoned it. It was really delicious barbecued to exactly the way I like it by myself....hehe!!! The chicken wings were seasoned by Princess and barbecued to perfection by her ........ yum yum's great. Potatoes in jacket, really yummy with butter and organic basil also from our herb garden. Fish, red snapper, baked in foil with spicy sauce a'la home minister style ............ "ho ciak!!!". The calamari and the mussels hmmm ............ just heavenly mouth watering with the special sambal sauce specially prepared by my wife. The salad was fantastic too!

It was a fantastic BBQ, everyone had a great time and our tummy were filled to the brim. If you really want to have a great BBQ, yes do it yourself privately. :)


Unknown said...

hello, next time courier some to PJ lah. feel really hungry now

KK said...

No problem!! :) I will do better, I'll skype to you ..... hehe!!