Sunday, October 5, 2008

Veggie Bed Rehabilitation

After the harvest of the leafy veggies, the process of growing them is complete and the bed need to be rehabilitated before another batch of veggies can be planted. It is a good feeling to know that I have completed the whole cycle of planting veggies from seeds to the dinning table ......... really great!!

Rehabilitating the bed is pretty easy, just dig up the whole bed just like ploughing and replenished it with compost. My idea of doing this is to get rid of the weeds that were starting to grow every where and any where around or on the bed. It is also to aerate the soil and add in more nutrients for the next batch of veggies. The bed need to mulched too!

Princess made some weather proof labels for the mini farm and it really help in keeping track when the veggies can be harvested ............ I like it.... :)

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