Saturday, August 2, 2008


What exactly is edamame? Can somebody care to enlighten me exactly what it is?

My first experience with this simple but delicious bean was about nineteen years ago, it was my very first encounter with Japanese food. I was treated to a Japanese dinner in a real Japanese restaurant by my first Japanese boss. I do not know anything about Japanese food at that time so I told him I'll eat whatever he ordered. Being a food lover I am always willing to try anything new and guess it was a great opportunity for me back then.

When the edamame came he was "killy kolok killy koloking.... ah so!" away with another Japanese and I decided to help myself to the beans. I took one whole bean pod and put it in my mouth ...........'s hairy, wow!!! it is very fibrous like eating wires yucks!!! So poor me not wanting to be impolite I forced myself to swallow it, it was like swallowing steel wool !!! How can anyone eat this I wondered ............ should I try one more??? Maybe that one I had was very old .......... OK I'll try another. Just as I was about to put it in my mouth "No no" he said "you only eat the beans, not the skin" Whew!! just in time and the beans alone minus the skin tasted great, I really like it and learned that it is called edamame.

Now I want to plant edamame but I can't get the seeds here locally so I surf the net. Some site mentioned that it is young soya bean but some said it is a special bean only grown to be a vegetable bean. Guess the only way to find out is to try soya bean, I am trying the black soya bean too :)

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