Friday, August 8, 2008

First Bloom

Remember the chili seedling that I thought have no chance of growing? Well I am wrong, due to my inexperience I made that stupid conclusion but my green side made me investigate further .......... yup!! to go right down to the grass root level. So with a hand shovel I started digging up the poor little plant and guess what????? The seed pot was still intact and therefore its roots were not able to grow. This is what I would call a classic case of bonsai syndrome ..... hehehe!!!!

I feel kind of a stupid for just following what I read in the net without thinking ............ I guess the paper core of the toilet roll that we were using takes a longer time to decompose or maybe the weather here causes it to take a longer time. Anyway I decided not to plant anymore of the seedlings with the seed pot. So carefully I tore the seed pot away and treated the bed with more compost before replanting the poor seedling right into the exact same spot. Every morning after that I would inspect it, for four days it looks like it was really struggling to stay alive.
On the fifth morning I was greeted with a new leaf sprouting right on the bud tip ........ whew!!! it is growing. It was really a great
moment, I am not able to describe the feeling I had but it really feel good to have saved the poor seedling.

Today the yellowing little seedling is a healthy little plant and is anxious to catch up with lost time, the very first flower in the mini farm is from this saved little plant. :)

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