Saturday, June 21, 2008


About two years ago ....... I think!!!.... I had a windfall in the golf course while playing golf and decided to buy a bicycle which I have been eyeing. OK it is a Polygon Mecha entry level MTB, made fully from aluminum alloy with Shimano components and also some other branded parts. It has full suspension so it is easy on this bag of old bones :)

I got my first bicycle when I was 12, it was an old used bicycle that my mum bought from a neighbour in the kampong we were staying. Even though it was an old bicycle, I had a lot of great time with it exploring the sites around Malacca and the daily rides to school and back. Yes "HAVE WHEELS WILL TRAVEL"...... hehehe!!!

Initially after getting the new bicycle, I revisited most of the places that I used to explore when I was a kid and it was a real disappointment. Beautiful mud ponds where we spend most of our time during the schools holidays swimming with the buffaloes, favourite fishing holes and padi fields were all gone. Ya, no thanks to development ...... all we get now is just housing estates which is not really occupied or just abandoned.

Nowadays I just use it as a runabout to run errants nearby about within a radius of 5 km. One has to be real careful when cycling in Malacca cause the road and motorist are not bicycle friendly. Cycling in the housing estate is not much fun either cause there is always the never ending numbers of road humps.

Whenever the adventurous spirit in me starts to itch, I will still ride a bicycle to explore .................... Join Me :)


Unknown said...

where were the pics taken? the second one looks like the pasar malam road. can't place the first one.

KK said...

It's at the Siantan Flats beside the 3 storey flats and the second one is Sin Hoe Garden near the pharmacy :)

Anonymous said...

Why never put pic of My bike :(