Friday, September 26, 2008


Basil is really a fantastic herb. Remember the basil plant that I mentioned in "Green Fingers", it is fully grown now. It is a great herb and is used a lot in Italian cooking. I really love the smell and taste of basil.

My Princess bought the basil seedling from Kuala Lumpur and one of her intention was to make pesto sauce. She had wanted to try spaghetti in pesto sauce but did not want to make use of commercially available ones. Yes she had already try it but did not like it, me I love it. On the second try, less of the pesto sauce was used and this time everyone like it. We tried adding it with spaghetti bolognese and it was ..... Mama Mia!!!! Delicious!!!

The surplus of the basil leaves are being dried for storage and distribution to people who are interested in it. The leaves of the basil must be constantly harvested or else it would be wasted. I am now waiting for the collect the seeds to plant new plants. Need some basil? :)

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