Wednesday, September 10, 2008

de' Roast Pork

de' Roast Pork ......... yes the crunchy crackling and juicy interior .......... hmmm .......... roast pork is a great dish. The "de'" here has no meaning, just needed the sound to describe the elegance of this mouth watering dish.

From my understanding there are basically there are two types of roast pork, the Chinese kind and the Western kind. The Chinese kind are those that you see hanging in front of Hong Kong style Chinese restaurant or chicken rice shop. Usually when I see the Chinese roast pork hanging in these eateries I can hear my tummy rumble with joy and the roast pork calling out "eat me ..... eat me ..... eat me" ......... hehe!!! sound like 'crab' ya!!! Anyway I really do have a real desire to eat it when I see it hanging in these outlets but it is always a very disappointing affair having Chinese roast pork especially from chicken rice stall. They always cut it paper thin very minute miserable pieces even though you are prepared to pay for more. I am really lucky you know, my wife is able to roast both the Chinese and Western kind deliciously and in this blog I'll be writing about the western kind ..... yum!! yum!!

In England roast pork is normally eaten with apple sauce, in Germany is sauerkraut and other parts of Europe ......... errr!!! sorry no idea at all. In our case we had it with apple sauce and brown sauce. On the side we usually have Yorkshire pudding or jacket potatoes, French beans or some kind of salad and baked beans or baked beans ....... hehe!!

To have really good roast pork the roast pork itself must be good and lucky me my wife had mastered the art of roasting pork from both worlds i.e Chinese and Western. Me?? Errr!! I have mastered the art of carving western roast pork only ...... it is also a skill whattt!!! When preparing western roast pork the one most important skill is in determining when it is cooked. If the roast pork is over cooked it will break up into shreds and it is almost impossible to cut it even with a razor sharp knife. The crackling (the skin part) will also be easily separated from the meat part if it is well over done. If it is not cooked don't even think of eating it unless you want to ......... never eat under cooked or raw pork.

Much experience and skill are also required to make the crackling crackle. My wife had invested a lot hours by the oven just to get the crackling to crackle right and it had really paid off. A piece of roast pork is not a roast pork if the crackling is not crackling right be it Chinese or Western. When making western roast pork always make more than for a meal because left over are always great for a snack or breakfast as a sandwich. Join me for some roast pork .......... :)

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